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Car Key Duplication Process

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The costs of car keys vary according to what model of car you have, and it’s rarity or the complexity of your key technology. It’s always a wise decision to get a duplicate car key, as it greatly reduces the chances of you ever experiencing the immense stress of a car lockout. It’s important to maintain a full understanding of what sort of influences will contribute to the cost of duplicating a car key.


Where it’s duplicated

Most typical hardware stores don’t have the experience or necessary technology to provide full duplicates of your car keys. As a general rule, automobile dealerships often charge more for car key duplication than trustworthy local locksmiths. Locksmiths also often have a much larger selection of blank keys that you can choose from, lowering the cost of operation. Other geographical cost influencing factors include local competition as well as general wholesale costs for the blank keys.


What kind of car key it is

Your car’s model helps determine how much it will cost to duplicate them, as it also determines what type of blank key should be used. Some blank keys are much more expensive than others – namely older cars, luxury cars, or car keys with special features. Any local locksmith – or even a consultation with your vehicle’s official manual – will be able to tell you if you have a standard key, or a key with special features. Basic keys are the cheapest to replicated, however most cars these days don’t have basic keys – instead utilizing technology such as transponders chips, remote controls, laser cutting, switchblade keys, and key fobs. All these features are harder to duplicate – which is good as it makes it harder for burglars to steal your cars – however it’s led to a general increase in the cost of duplicating keys.


What machines are used to duplicate keys

The car key duplicator machine, or it’s associated technology, that is used will help determine the cost of the operation, as depending on the machine used it may take more or less time to make a precise cut. These machines range from simply operated, to incredibly complicated, and only workable by an expert locksmith; so of course, car keys that require a more complicated and specialized copying process will cost somewhat more than keys that can be simply and almost automatically copied.


General Costs

  • The cost of duplicating a basic key at a hardware store usually falls between a dollar and 5 dollars, but they often cannot duplicate car keys.
  • Locksmiths can duplicate basic keys for between a dollar and fifty cents, and 4 dollars, and will have a much wider selection of blank keys to choose from.
  • Locksmiths generally can copy transponder chip keys, or the like, for around $120, depending on what key blank you will need.
  • Automobile dealers often duplicate car keys at the high price of over $150 dollars.

Eagle's Locksmith Cincinnati

414 Walnut Street

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