513-202-4240 Unlocking A Master Shackle Padlock in Amberley Village, OH 45237
Company Name: Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati
Phone Number: (513) 202-4240
Service Location: Cincinnati, OH – Amberley Village, 45237
Today 8/3/2014 I had a call from one of my customers in Amberley Village area with a broken key in a Master lock Shackle M736 Padlock. That lock was installed on his storage unit door and when he tried to unlock it earlier this morning the key was sticky and he wanted me to take the broken key out of the cylinder lock. I was there in 45 minutes on a Sunday morning to meet him at the location. The cylinder he had is an interchangeable core with 6 pins that highly recommended to have in order to protect your property. At first I tried to take the key out with different pick tools, but couldn’t do it since it was way too deep. The next step was to drill the cylinder in the middle and take out all of the pins and springs so I can turn the cylinder the way you do it with the key. After 25 minutes of drilling, I finally succeeded, then I took all the parts to my truck to see what was wrong with the lock and how I can fix it. I told him that all he needs is a new cylinder lock to match to this type of Master padlock and it should be working again.
The job was on Sunday and most of the hardware stores including my supplier are closed on the weekend, so I was waiting for Monday morning to bring the exact same cylinder and called my customer to meet me at his storage. I put on everything back together and the lock was working the way it should be.
My customer was very satisfied the way I performed the job and getting the right parts for the lock installation. He told me that from now on I’m going to be his locksmith in Cincinnati for other properties he owns in town. Couple hours after the job was completed the customer called me to say thank you once again, so I offered him that if he wants to share his experience with the service I provided, then he can write a review on my Google plus page and let other people know how I treat my clients in the greater Cincinnati, OH.