513-202-4240 Sliding Door Lock Repair in Pleasant Ridge, OH 45213 – Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati
Company Name: Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati
Phone Number: (513) 202-4240
Service Location: Cincinnati, OH – Pleasant Ridge, 45213
One of our customers that we have an account with, called me today 8/19/2014 to help with one of their stores in Pleasant ridge, Ohio area in Cincinnati. I told them I can be there in the next hour and check what’s wrong with the lock. When I got there, the manager showed me a sliding window door lock that is not working right and the funny thing is that he had five different keys that can unlock the lock with an easy push. Once I saw that, I told him that the lock is jammed and must be replaced. He took out all of the perfumes out of the shelves, since the screws were on the inside and it was hard to take them out. I had a few sliding door locks in my truck, but not the exact same lock, so I was running to my supplier in Hyde Park, OH to get the part and was hoping he have that specific lock in stock, otherwise I’ll have to wait 2 to 3 business days till I get it from Chicago.
I’m taking the screws out from the inside of the sliding door.
This is how the old sliding door lock looks like.
It’s a very common sliding door lock and I got 2 of them from my supplier just in case if they will have the same issue in the future after hours when all of the hardware stores are closed. I came back to the store after 35 minutes and installed the new lock on the glass sliding window. I also used graphite lubricant on the new lock to make it smoother and prevent from getting rusted for the long run. The work didn’t take long to complete, but most of the time I spent for this job was the drive to my local supplier to get the part. The manager was happy with the work I performed and now he doesn’t have to worry about customers walking near the expensive perfumes, since it’s totally secure properly. I gave him the two keys that comes with the lock and duplicated one more for another manager in the store.
I’m spraying a little bit graphite for the new sliding door lock to work smoother.
Here is the new sliding lock installed with new keys.
When it come to a door lock repair, I always recommend my clients to check their locks frequently to prevent calling an emergency locksmith in the future when they’re in a rush, but we all know that sometimes it happens and when you need a fast assistance, Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati will be there for you at anytime of the day or night in the greater Cincinnati, OH. Call our Locksmith Cincinnati today at 513-202-4240 and let our professionals find the right solution for all of your locksmith needs.