Residential Door Lock Repair in Norwood, OH 45212
Company Name: Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati
Phone Number: (513) 202-4240
Service Location: Cincinnati, OH – Norwood, 45212
Yesterday 03/07/2014 I had an emergency call from a woman in Norwood, OH that couldn’t get the lock open and basically was locked out of her home. I came out in 20 minutes and unlocked her door. After that I checked why her key wasn’t working properly and found out that the lock is not in a good condition and I offered her to repair the lock. I installed a new mortise cylinder lock and spray W40 (oil) inside the mechanism to make the lock works smoothly. If you are already locked out, there is nothing much you can do and you can pick up the phone to call a locksmith, but when you’re noticed about issues with the lock or the door before something might happen, then you want to figure out how to solve it by repairing the lock or checking the door frame and if you are handy, then take the lock of the door and see what could be the problem. Whatever you do, don’t wait for the last minute when you’re in a rush to go somewhere.
I was there no more then 35 minutes for that job, after I was matching the same key with the other locks around the house so she can have one key for all of the lock cylinders. The customer paid with a business check and told me to call her for another specific work she wants to have at her office in the Oakley, OH 45209 area. That is the way i keep in touch with my clients and make them happy, good service is definitely my goal.
Here is the new lock i installed and the old one in my hand:
The new mortise lock installed on the door next to the old one by our Cincinnati locksmith Eagle’s team.
The customer was very grateful with my service and you can read her review on Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati page.