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Potential Security Camera Flaws

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While security cameras are an absolute must have for a fully functioning, multi-layer security infrastructure, they are not completely infallible. Security cameras, like any piece of technology, have the potential for flaws – and while some security cameras are decidedly better than others, we, the security experts at Eagle’s Locksmith, believe any security camera owner (or aspiring security camera owner) should know the potential flaws of security cameras.

Criminals Not Caring

Some criminals simply don’t care about security cameras – they are too reckless. In general, burglars are more scared by a blaring alarm than by simply seeing a security camera – as not only are many security cameras simply decoys meant to deter crime, but many criminals understand that the vast majority of security cameras don’t offer live monitoring, hence they believe that they can get away with the crime, with the footage only to be scrutinized after the crime is discovered and they have long escaped.

Security Cameras Can be Stolen

Many security cameras are themselves not secure. By that, we mean that they can easily be stolen themselves. This is especially a risk when cameras store all their data locally inside an internal memory drive – because if the camera is stolen, owners will have no chance of using the footage to track the criminal down, as it will be in the criminals hands. We recommend the use of a smart security camera that remotely stores its data through Cloud technology.

Security Cameras Don’t Bar Doors

While a security camera is an essential part of a larger security infrastructure, it’s far from the most essential piece of this layering. Security cameras can MONITOR activity, but they cannot BAR activity. By that, we mean that security cameras cannot technically prevent a criminal from attempting to, or successfully breaking through a door. This does not discount their usefulness as both deterrent or active monitoring, as well as a way to increase the chances of catching a criminal in the event of a successfully carried out crime. However, we want to emphasize the fact that security cameras are only truly a useful complement to a much larger, well thought out, and more thorough layered security infrastructure.

Eagle's Locksmith Cincinnati

414 Walnut Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202

Tel: (513) 202-4240

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Mon - Fri 7:00AM to 7:00PM

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Sunday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM

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