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Old Fashion Latch Repair in Mt Lookout, OH 45226

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Company Name:   Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati

Phone Number:    (513) 202-4240

Service Location:   Cincinnati, OHMount Lookout, 45226


Today a customer called for his grandmother after she locked herself out of her front door house in Mt lookout, OH 45226. The police was there and tried to help her open the door, but couldn’t do it, so they ended up calling a locksmith. I was there in 15 minutes and I saw an old fashion doorknob lock with a long latch. I unlocked her lock in about 2 minutes and then i was taking the lock off the door to check what is wrong with the cylinder and why she couldn’t use the original keys. I needed to repair couple springs and rekey the lock with new pins as well. After that I put everything back together on the door and realized that the long latch is old and not in a good condition.



Here is a common Doorknob latch that we all use with our standard home locks.

Here is a common Doorknob latch that we all use with our standard home locks.

The bottom lock is the old fashion one that i needed to unlock, re-key and repair the latch.

The bottom lock is the old fashion one that i needed to unlock, re-key and repair the latch.


This is the new long latch I installed for the old fashion Doorknob lock.

This is the new long latch I installed for the old fashion Doorknob lock.


This doorknob lock has a long latch that is really hard to find these days, but you can still find some of them in a hardware store. My client was very happy after I told her that I have this long latch in my truck. I matched the top deadbolt lock to the doorknob bottom lock, so they can use the same key to lock and unlock the door. I also recommended them to replace the lock to a standard residential common one and the reason for that is that if they choose change the lock sometime in the future, then its much more easier to find it in any home depot, Lowe’s or a hard store. I showed my client a few of the locks I provide to other customers in town, so they can get some idea about different type of locks and the cost for each one of them. The job was completed successfully and they store my phone number in their mobile device in case the need me again.

To read more about Eagle’s Locksmith products, lock brands and other locksmith services in Cincinnati metro area visit our main page here or call us directly at 513-202-4240 and get the highest quality service in town by our friendly locksmith representative.

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Eagle's Locksmith Cincinnati

414 Walnut Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202

Tel: (513) 202-4240

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Sunday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM

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