Locks Installed in Finneytown, OH 45231
Company Name: Eagle’s Locksmith Company
Phone Number: (513) 202-4240
Service Location: Cincinnati, OH – Finneytown, 45231
When a customer is calling a locksmith in Finneytown, Ohio area at 4:30AM in the morning he’s probably locked out or need some other assistance. This is how I started today when my phone rings and I’m talking to the customer about a few deadbolt locks he wants to install on the doors. I asked him if he wants to wait a few hours till 7:00 AM and save money, because sometimes a labor night is 50% extra compare to a day time labor. He couldn’t wait so long, since he had a flight at 6:45AM and wanted to secure his house. So I came out there as fast as I can to do the work. I had 3 doors to drill a hall before installing the locks. Before that, the client wanted me to re-key the locks, so he can use the same keys for all of them. After that, I took my drill and fresh installation tools to get started. While I was drilling the first door, I was thinking about the neighbors and was wondering if they can hear the noise, luckily the work was mostly inside the house and I didn’t wake up anyone.
The 5 pins cylinder lock are not with the share line and needed to be re-keyed on the same key to match to the other 2 locks.
This is how the door looks like after drilling a hall before the lock installation.
The job was completed in an hour and 30 minutes and the guy was very relaxed especially now that he knows his home is secured and nobody will have access to the rooms he’s renting. I gave him 4 keys, installed 3 common residential deadbolt locks and gave him my information in case he needs me in the future. The customer was happy with the service and also asked me if I provide locksmith service in the west side of Cincinnati, I told him that I drive up to 25 miles radius from my location which is in Blue Ash, OH. He said he will call me when he gets back to town so I can stop by and take a look the commercial locks at his office. The most important thing is that the work was done fast and he was able to be on time at the airport. He also shared his experience online and you are welcome to visit my Google plus locksmith page to read his feedback.