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Office Commercial Key is Lost, What To Do?

Commercial Key Lost
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It’s absolutely essential that your office is secure and protected from theft at any time of the day. That is including that your employees maintain strict security standards as well. This importantly includes keeping a close hold on all keys to your business facility. So what should you do when your office commercial key is lost? Well, If your employee loses your keys, there’s a series of strict protocols that should be enacted. Ensure that your commercial establishment is truly protected from the myriad of serious security risks. Office commercial key is lost, now what? Here’s a guide on exactly what to do. Learn from the commercial security experts here at Eagle’s Locksmith.

Different Brands of Lost keys

First determine what sort of office or any commercial key was lost. Most offices have multiple points of locked entry for a layered security plan. Some offices have a master key that works on all doors around the building. You will probably need to fit in the separate key for your employees and the master key on the same cylinder lock. However, A locksmith services company can definitely assist you with that as well. You may consider replacing the lock if it’s too old so it can work much better with the new master key system. In case of losing All of the entry keys, it can be a much larger cost and serious security risk. If just the office suite or office key was lost, we don’t recommend you to take any chances and swipe the locks right away.

Commercial Lock Replacement & Re-Key

When you finally know what type of key was lost, you must to rekey all the office door locks on your doors. If the main key (Known as Master Key) for the building entrance was lost, all the facility employees will get new keys. It is also recommended to tell them to return the old keys. By hiring a team of licensed locksmiths like those at Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati can definitely assist you with this service. Get an expert locksmith to provide you the best solutions on site and for any emergency you may need on the same day. You will need to notify all building tenants of the key loss and ensure that all internal doors are locked. A professional locksmith on call will arrive as soon as possible. As a result, you will need to replace the suite key – which is usually much easier.

Eagle's Locksmith Cincinnati

414 Walnut Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202

Tel: (513) 202-4240

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Mon - Fri 7:00AM to 7:00PM

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Sunday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM

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