Locksmith Tools Of The Trade
Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati would like to introduce you to some of the machinery every locksmith should use in its own city including Cincinnati, OH…We call it The Tools Of The Trade.
Manual or Automatic Key Machine
You might recognize this sitting in our van. It’s a key duplicator. This machine can duplicate multiple keys in no time at all which is invaluable when our customers are in a rush to get on their way. This machine clamps down residential, commercial, automobile, and padlock keys and cuts them precisely and cleanly to fit into the lock they are made for rather than cutting and polishing a key by hand. These machines come in both automatic and manual styles. Every professional and bonded locksmith needs one to remain efficient.
Lock Pick Gun
This tool is vital for any locksmith. It allows the technician to pick a lock much faster than the old manual way. This automatic tool was first created for policeman who lacked lock picking skills. This Lock Pick Gun requires little to no instruction, and with its trigger action and a movable head, it saves a lot of time and stress for the individual picking the lock and the client waiting.
Pinning Kit
This is the re-key pin kit we use to change your keys on your current doors.
Here are a few of the re-key tools our locksmith uses to change the pins for the new keys.
This pin kit is an absolute necessity for locksmiths everywhere. All of these pins allow our local Cincinnati Locksmith technicians to re key a variety of universal lock manufacturers, sizes, and style of key. The more pins available, the more likely Eagle’s Locksmith is able to remake a more exact key, faster. A lot of individuals assume that most keys are made relatively the same size when in fact, there are endless styles, sizes, and brands. Our technicians have thousands of pins to accommodate the rapid and ever-growing key market.
These are three of the most common tools/machinery Eagle’s Locksmith uses. Look through our Facebook or Google Plus pictures and see if you can spot all of our equipment Hint: All of them are inside of our van!
Remember, we only use the most dependable tools. Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati can get to you in under 30 minutes and solve your lock and key needs even faster.