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Different Types Of Topologies You Can Use When Establishing An Access Control System

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When contemplating making a business premises safer, one of the things you might want to try out is the use of access control systems. These are automated systems that restrict entry to particular rooms based on the parameters that you set up. For instance, if you have locks that are operated using key cards, you can set them up so that people who have a specific type of key card can only access specific types of doors. Some will also give you the ability to monitor when the locks are activated, which helps you keep more control on access to the room. In some cases, you could even shut down the entire system from a central point, such as when there is a threat. Read the rest of the post to learn how Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati can assist you with that service.


To make such a system work, a topology has to be in place. A topology simply describes the way the different locks on the doors communicate with each other, and with a central computer used to oversee the entire system. Some of the common topologies that can be used include:


Serial access control topology

In this setup, all the controllers (such as the electronic locks on doors) are connected to each other and to a computer using a copper wire. One of the advantages of this system is that it can handle very long cables, which make it useful when you need to connect a large number of doors to the system. They are also known to have a very short response time. For instance, once an individual swipes a card, the details on the card can be verified and the door opened without any delay.


Serial main with sub controllers


In such a system, a sub controller is attached to each door. This could be in the form of a panel that deciphers the data on a key card, and then sends the information to a central computer for processing. This is often considered to be a cheaper system compared to a serial controller system, making it an ideal choice for people who might need automated access control on a lower budget.


Serial main controllers with intelligent readers


In this type of topology, each door has a panel that can read the data on a key card or other electronic key. It would then send the information to a central computer for processing. However, in case the connection to the central computer is not present, the panel has the capacity to make decisions, such as whether to grant access to the room based on the type of card used or on any other parameter you have set. This is a much safer way to restrict access to a room, since the security of the premises would be upheld even in the absence of the main computer.


IP Controllers


This is a type of topology which connects the doors using Ethernet, LAN or WAN wires, instead of the regular RS-485 Cables. Some of the benefits of this topology include the fact that it can make use of an existing computer system, rather than forcing you to install new lines. In addition to that, it can also facilitate faster communication.


These are just a few of the many different types of topologies you can get when installing access control systems. The best way to find the most ideal would be to consult a high quality locksmith services, who can assess your needs and then identify the best topology to use.

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Eagle's Locksmith Cincinnati

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