3 Trackers That Can Help You Find Your Keys Quickly
Losing your home keys can be a particularly devastating event, particularly if you have to take steps to correct it. In such cases, you are always better off calling a reputable Cincinnati locksmith to access the home for you, since they are likely to do it in such a manner that will not jeopardize your safety later on. However, after the problem has been sorted out, you might also need to find a way to ensure that it never occurs again.
If you are technologically inclined, one of the best ways of doing this would be to use a tracker. This is a device that you can attach to your keys or indeed any other item that you would want to keep your eye on. Depending on the make and model of the tracker, you may be given different options for location of the device. For instance, there are some that have a microphone that will sense when you whistle, and then emit a beeping sound that will help you identify where it is if it’s close by. With the more advanced types, you can use all sorts of technology including online applications and GPS systems to locate the device. Some of the more popular ones include:
This is an attachment that can be attached to anything from your keys to your laptop and even your pet. Once you register the device, you can then download an app to your phone. Users use this app to activate the attachment once they lose the object that it’s attached to. Once activated, it will emit a beeping noise, giving you an approximate location of the item. One of the neat features of the Chipolo is that it will even give you information about how far off the object is, allowing you to know where to look for it.
This is a small, square device that can easily be used as a key ring. One of the things that set it apart from all the other trackers out there is that different tile devices can ‘talk’ to each other, which means that you can use the entire network to find the object you have lost if the distance between you and it is too large.
This is one of the smallest trackers out there. To use it, you only need to attach it to your bunch of keys, and then download the app that is associated with it. It has a feature that will beep when you stray too far from the object, which makes it an ideal tracker for objects that you always want to keep near you, such as keys to a safe. In addition to that, it also produces a pulsing light that will notify you of its location in case you lose it at night.
These are just some of the cheap and easy to use trackers you can use to reduce the chances of losing your keys again in future. Spending money on them can turn out to be well worth it considering how much stress they prevent you from having.