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Facts About Master Key Systems – Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati

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The elderly lady living beside your apartment has lost her keys. She is furiously wailing that she can’t get into her apartment now. Of course you feel sorry for her. At this instance, your apartment attendant walks in with a key, the same key you see him walk around with everyday and gracefully opens the door. Well, that is a master key.

Over the years, master keys have been defined widely by different locksmiths and scholars. But it is simply a key system that uses a single key that is designed to open all locks in one system. This means that every set of locks manufactured by any company has its own master key. However, it is only used by people who are legally responsible to own the key. So, the next time your apartment attendant walks to open any door with only one key, you know that it is a master key.

Benefits of master key systems

Imagine four people in an apartment building losing their keys. To what extent will the drama be? The cost of breaking down the four doors is too expensive and time consuming. This is where the master key comes in handy. With a pair in hand, the hassle of breaking locks to gain entry is avoided. That is one of the biggest benefits of having a master key. However this is just one of the many benefits. Below are other benefits of having the system in place:

• Defined accessibility: This lock system will restrict accessibility to some areas. In doing so, not all areas with important documents or money will be accessed by everyone. Only trusted people with this key are only allowed to access these places. This greatly improves security.

• Simplicity to use: Having one key that can open many locks is simpler than having a bunch of keys to open many locks in a building. Furthermore it is easy to operate all relevant doors like the main doors, internal doors and garage doors in a short period of time.

• Improved organization: This is one of the main benefits of having a master key. The thought of having one key that can unlock all locks is better than having a bunch of keys that can unlock all locks. You can’t imagine the implications of having the latter. Furthermore, this will greatly improve security and reduce the rates of burglary.

Types of master key systems

There are many types of master keys in the industry today. They are designed to suit specific purposes and they include:

• General group key: This is mostly used in big companies or organizations due to its complexity. It involves a combination of numerous master keys to make one major master key that is generic and can open all locks.

• The main key: This is mostly used in commercial premises. It involves the use of one main master key to open all the locks in the building.

• Central lock master key: This is suitable for residential flats. It entails the use of one key by tenants to lock the main door and the doors to their houses. Furthermore, a grand master key is available that can unlock both the apartment doors and the main door. This is normally used by the building attendant.

Contact us today for master key systems

Master keys are a great tool for unlocking doors. More so, the system has been known to foster security and ease the process of unlocking doors in times of emergencies. If you wish to invest in master key systems, contact your local locksmith company at Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati, OH.

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