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Emergency Locksmith Service in Kenwood Mall

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Company Name: Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati

Phone Number:  (513) 202-4240

Service Location: Cincinnati, OH – Kenwood, 45236


Today one of my accounts I’m working with called me to provide an emergency locksmith service in Kenwood mall located at 7875 Montgomery Rd Cincinnati, OH 45236. The job was at the Loft store and the issue they had was with the push bar alarm lock on the back door. The store manager showed me that the key is spinning and she couldn’t turn the alarm on the right way. The cylinder mortise lock was an interchangeable core with 7 pins and I decided to test the lock first with a new core just to make sure it’s not a cylinder issue. So the I.C. cylinder was fine and after that I took the black plastic off the door on the right side that is connected with the wires to the lock itself.


This is the interchangeable core on the front plastic after I took it off the door to check why the lock is spinning.

This is the interchangeable core on the front plastic after I took it off the door to check why the lock is spinning.


I was checking the battery and the mechanism and everything seemed to be in a good condition. The only thing I saw on the inside was two loose screws and all I needed to do is tighten them both so the cylinder on the front of the mechanism will be loose again. Most of the time that happens when you force the door to access out and using the key several times a day. The manager told that there are multiple employees and they’re using the back door more then 60 times a day. I told her that every once in a while every lock needs maintenance.


Here is the inside of the alarm panic mechanism lock right after I tested the wires and tightened the screws.

Here is the inside of the alarm panic mechanism lock right after I tested the wires and tightened the screws.


Usually with my account I have time to show up in the next 24 hour, but this case i had to come in couple hours since it was an emergency. The store manager asked me if I’m going to be their permanent locksmith in Cincinnati, so I told her that I’m not sure if I’m the only one they’re working with and if she wants to have a specific provider in town all she needs to do is ask for the locksmith company she knows. My client was happy with my fast response and the job was completed in an hour and 25 minutes.

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Eagle's Locksmith Cincinnati

414 Walnut Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202

Tel: (513) 202-4240

Our Business Hours:

Mon - Fri 7:00AM to 7:00PM

Saturday - Closed

Sunday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Appointments Available After Business Hours!

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