Commercial Mechanism Lock Change in Mariemont, OH 45227
Company Name: Eagle’s Locksmith Cincinnati
Phone Number: (513) 202-4240
Service Location: Cincinnati, OH – Mariemont, 45227
Today I received a call from a small business owner in Mariemont, Ohio area 45227. This customer owns a computer store and after one of his employees didn’t lock the door at the end of a business day, he decided to change the keys and get a solution to lock the door without using a key. I was there on the same day to meet up with the client and he showed me a front door with a bolt mechanism. I offered him to change it to a latch mechanism for mortise lock cylinder, so he can still use the same type of lock he currently have on the door. The hard part was to drill and cut the metal frame to match to the right security plate and that is for the new latch mechanism to slide smoothly to the hall and prevent the door from opening after it shuts. I was re-keying the lock as well and duplicated 4 extra keys.
Here is the latch cannot close the door all the way and needed to cut the right size on the frame door to install the metal plate for it, so it can close smoothly.
The job was completed in couple hours including my ride to the hardware store to bring the parts I needed. The customer was happy with my new idea and the way the door and lock work. He also asked me if I can re-key all of the locks around the building to a master key system, so he can have different keys for a few offices and one key the can open all the locks. I gave him an estimate right away and told him that it doesn’t matter if he chooses our commercial locksmith services once again to do the work or someone else in town, because every professional locksmith in Cincinnati should know how to do master keys.