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Back to School Security

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With the end of August comes the beginning of the new school year. Swimwear and beach gear has disappeared from store aisles and been replaced with backpacks and school supplies. It’s important to teach children various safety tips in preparation for the new year so that they can be more responsible and safer.

Schoolbus Safety

  • Make sure that you or another responsible adult walks them to the bus stop and shows them how to safely get on or disembark the bus.
  • Make sure that children stand on the sidewalk rather than the curb when the bus arrives.
  • If your child needs to cross the street on their way to the bus, make sure that they always look both ways.
  • Children should stay seated at all times on the bus and listen to the bus driver’s rules.

Walking Safety

  • Make sure that children use the same walking route every day – if you want, walk with them, or bike alongside them, to help familiarize both yourself and them about the exact route.
  • Encourage children to walk to school with friends.
  • Make sure that they wear a helmet if they are riding a bike, that they look both ways when crossing the street, and by always walking in the sidewalk.
  • Tell your children to always come directly home after school unless prior plans have been made and approved.
  • If your child has a cell phone, make sure that they always carry it on them, and that it’s freshly charged.

School Safety

  • Make sure that your child always wears their backpack in a way that the straps are even, so all the weight is evenly distributed.
  • Tell your children to always follow the playground rules that stipulate no running, and listening to all adult supervisors.
  • Tell children to obey all classroom rules and procedures.
  • Tell the school staff of any potential health or emotional concerns. This includes food allergies, disabilities, or any history of being bullied.

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